04 May Navy Band Southeast’s | Friday, September 22, 6:00 p.m. Free Admission
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Friday, September 22, 6:00 p.m
Forsyth Park Bandshell, Drayton and Hall Streets
Navy Band Southeast’s Popular Music Group, “Pride” is a high-energy unit with a repertoire spanning 50years, making it an ideal group for military balls, official receptions, public concerts,and high school shows.The ensemble remains on the cutting edge of today’s popular music scene by choosing a variety ofselections each year from current Top 40 charts. Their incredible mix of pop, rhythm and blues, classicrock, modern rock, Motown, soul, jazz, hip-hop, swing, country, and disco makes them a sure hit for diverseaudiences and age groups.Since its establishment in 1995, Navy Band Southeast has been dedicated to providing top quality musicalsupport throughout the Southeastern United States for Commander, Navy Region Southeast. Under thedirection of Lieutenant Junior Grade Nicholas Nadal, the band is located onboard Naval Air StationJacksonville and serves the military and civilian communities.