07 Nov “Johnny Mercer: The Dream’s on Me” – Dec 10, 2023
Join us for the Savannah Jazz Educational Series as we screen the captivating film
Johnny Mercer: The Dream’s on Me
2:00 pm -2:45 pm Tour the Savannah Jazz History and Hall of Fame Exhibit featuring a special collection of Johnny Mercer items.
2:45 pm-4:45 pm Viewing of film
Savannah History Museum
303 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
The Savannah Jazz Educational Program continues with a viewing of the film Johnny Mercer: The Dream’s on Me directed by Clint Eastwood, celebrating the legendary lyricist from Savannah. Admired and praised by the likes of Irving Berlin and Cole Porter, Johnny Mercer has been described as “one of our great folk poets” and “the most perfect American lyricist.” Throughout his extraordinary career, he collaborated with hundreds of composers to write legendary movie songs such as “Hooray for Hollywood,” “Jeepers Creepers” and “Moon River.” Mercer then went on to co-found Capitol Records in 1942 and became a successful Broadway producer of St. Louis Woman and L’il Abner. Because his music continues to speak to us even today, the story of Johnny Mercer’s life and work has widespread appeal.
Seating in venue is limited and is not guaranteed so purchase tickets early!
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Sponsored by: Coastal Heritage Society and Georgia Council for the Arts